Reaching out to a variety of communities
Over the years, Windows has held activities in various places, including Gaza and Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip, Hebron, Ramallah, Bir Zeit, Beit Ommar, Bethlehem, Tulkarm, Jenin, Nablus, Jerusalem/Al Quds, Haifa, Hadera, Lod, Givat-Brener, Naura, Ma'ayan-Harod, Kalansawa, Netanya, Revadim, Shkeb A-Salam and many more.
Windows' youth at the entrance to Beit Ommar, in area B, north of Hebron (2013). At the entrance of all villages in area B and at the entrance to Area A, big red signs warn Israelis not to enter. The young journalists realized that the sign said entrance is dangerous, not forbidden, and chose to enter the village with their local peers.